
About us

The Space Economy Institute is the world’s leading knowledge centre in the space economy sector. It offers an integrated set of services related to training, consulting, research, information and events, aimed at helping the humankind to seize the opportunities related to the space economy.


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Space Economy

The space economy is a term indicating the production and financial sector oriented to the creation and use of goods and services and the exploitation of resources within the extra-atmospheric space.

The upstream segment foresees the creation of space infrastructures, satellites, carriers, space stations up to future bases located on the moon or on rocky planets of the solar system.

The downstream segment relates to the benefits that derive from the data collected in space and, in the future, from the physical resources taken to be transformed and used on Earth

Master in Space Economy

The Master in Space Economy by the Space Economy Institute is an exclusive training program aimed at giving participants the opportunity to sharpen their skills and competencies to know, identify and seize the business opportunities related to space.

Organizations operating in the space economy

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